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Implementing pagination

The Paginator trait

To implement pagination, you will probably need to use the paginator trait. It allows you to quickly deploy a paginable menu.

Note: The Rejoice framework handles two types of pagination. The first one that we call soft-pagination is when all the data is retrieved and passed to the framework. It works fine when the data to paginate is small. The second type of pagination called the hard-pagination is the one that requires the use of the first one is when a menu overflows

The paginator required methods


Retrieve the data from the database. Must return the retrieved data.


Must Return the total of rows fetched from the database.


When using the paginator trait, instead of the actions methods, you will use the itemAction method to specify how to insert the actions in your menu. This method will be used under the hood by the actions method to insert the actions automatically for you. Example

namespace App\Menus;

use Prinx\Rejoice\Menu\Paginator;

class BetsHistory extends Menu
    use Paginator;

     * Number of items to display per page
    protected $maxItemsPerPage = 4;

    public function message()
        if (!$this->paginationTotal()) {
            return "You don't have any bet.";
        } else {
            return $this->isPaginationFirstPage() ? 'Your betting history' : '';

   * Defines how the items will be displayed to the user.
   * This method will automatically be called for each rows of the array 
   * returned by `paginationFetch`. And its return value will be added to the 
   * actions 
   * The option is what will be displayed to the user as option to select.
   * It's automatically handled by the Paginator
   * @param array $row 
   * @param string $option
   * @return array
    public function itemAction($row, $option)
        return [
            $option => [
                'message' => 'Bet ' . $row['id'],
                'next_menu' => 'bet::bet_details',
                'save_as' => $row['id'],

     * Fetches the items from the database
     * @return array
    public function paginationFetch()
        if (isset($this->bets)) {
            return $this->bets;

        $req = $this->db()->prepare("SELECT * FROM bets
        WHERE id > :offset
        AND initiator_id = :initiator_id
        ORDER BY id
        LIMIT :limit");

        $offset = $this->lastRetrievedId();
        $userId = $this->user('id');
        $limit = $this->maxItemsPerPage();

        $req->bindParam('offset', $offset, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
        $req->bindParam('initiator_id', $userId);
        $req->bindParam('limit', $limit, \PDO::PARAM_INT);

        $this->bets = $req->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);


        return $this->bets;

     * Returns the total number of the data to be displayed
     * @return  int
    public function paginationCountAll()
        if ($total = $this->paginationGet('total')) {
            return $total;

        $req = $this->db()->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bets WHERE  initiator_id = ?");

        $paginationTotal = intval($req->fetchColumn());

        $this->paginationSave('total', $paginationTotal);

        return $paginationTotal;

The paginator makes available some methods for our use:

  • maxItemsPerPage The maximum number of items that can be showed on the pagination screen; It’s configured as protected property of the menu entity;
  • currentItemsCount The actual number of items showed on the current screen;
  • isPaginationFirstPage Check if the current screen is the first screen of the pagination;
  • isPaginationLastPage Check if the current screen is the last screen of the pagination;
  • lastRetrievedId Get the id of the last fetched row - the next query to the database to fetch, will begin at that index;
  • paginationSave Saves a data for pagination purpose;
  • paginationGet Get a pagination data;
  • paginationHas Check if a pagination data exists;
When using the pagination, always prefer ```php $this->userPreviousResponses('the_name_of_the_previous_menu'); ``` to retrieve the response of the previous menu, over ```php $this->userResponse(); //or $this->userSavedResponse(); ```